To Catch an Orc

Good day travelers of Middle-earth! Gwaihir is pleased to bring you another gift from his gracious eyrie atop the Misty Mountains. In this video play-through, I continue through the deluxe expansion, The Voice of Isengard, with the second quest: To Catch an Orc. This quests give us Eagles the privilege to prey on our most hated creatures in all of Arda: Orcs! Mugash and his Bodyguards do not stand a chance against the fierce tempest of the Lord of the Winds.


*Note: For the time being, I have decided to cease providing an overview of each quest (Eyrie Vision). This decision was reached due to time constraints and other commitments in my life (being Lord of the Winds is not a light burden to bear!).   However, there are some excellent blogs and podcasts out there which give good insight into the quests. I take my tiny golden crown off to these travelers for their time and commitment to the fans of this game. Here are some of the more well-known places you can look: Tales from the CardsHall of BeornCardboard of the Rings, & Grey Company Podcast. These have been extremely helpful (and fun) sources of information about all things The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game. As for me, I am going to focus my time and energy in producing more video play-throughs for the community and looking into increasing my video/audio production in the near future (as some viewers have pointed out, I am fully aware these videos are not the greatest quality, which is due to amateur equipment). I apologize for not having the best quality, but I do still hope my videos have proven to be informative and entertaining. Thanks for your support!

The Deck: For Gondor!

In this quest, I use the same deck featuring the new tactics hero, Mablung, which I used in my previous video play-through of The Fords of Isen. You can read all about how it works and how it was designed here.

Total Cards: (55)

Hero: (3)
1x Boromir (Heirs of Numenor)
1x Mablung (The Nin-in-Eilph)
1x Pippin (The Black Riders)

Ally: (25)
3x Defender of Rammas (Heirs of Numenor)
3x Westfold Outrider (The Voice of Isengard)
1x Faramir (Core Set)
2x Errand-rider (Heirs of Numenor)
3x Squire of the Citadel (The Blood of Gondor)
1x Elrond (The Road Darkens)
1x Ithilien Tracker (Heirs of Numenor)
2x Warden of Healing (The Long Dark)
3x Envoy of Pelargir (Heirs of Numenor)
3x Gandalf (Core Set)
3x Pelargir Ship Captain (The Morgul Vale)

Attachment: (12)
2x Gondorian Fire (Assault on Osgiliath)
2x Gondorian Shield (The Steward’s Fear)
2x Steward of Gondor (Core Set)
3x Visionary Leadership (The Morgul Vale)
2x Wingfoot (The Nin-in-Eilph)
1x Horn of Gondor (Core Set)

Event: (18)
3x Behind Strong Walls (Heirs of Numenor)
2x Feint (Core Set)
2x Sneak Attack (Core Set)
2x Wealth of Gondor (Heirs of Numenor)
3x Daeron’s Runes (Foundations of Stone)
2x Secret Paths (Core Set)
1x For Gondor! (Core Set)
3x Deep Knowledge (The Voice of Isengard)